Blah. Day 17 of my cycle, day 4 of egg-white cervical mucus, and NO spiked temps. No sign that my body has actually done the deed. I did some googling and found that ovulation spotting can mean you're OVULATING, but the excitement that possibility generated was dashed when I took my temp this AM and found no change at all.
I'm still new to the charting, still new to figuring out my cycle (or lack), so really who knows, but I really was looking forward to it being easier than I've worried it would be.
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Just an FYI - we had a tough time charting Lois' cycle with temps. We ended up getting a fertility monitor from a friend and using opks. Lois' temp never changed when she ovultation so we gave up on using the temp as a method.
hope that helps.
My cycles have always been like clockwork *(28 days)so I made the assumption that I was ovulating like "normal" --14 days or so in, until I started purchasing the ovulation predictor kits and testing daily and found out I wasn't ovulating until DAY 21!!! No wonder our AI attempts had failed. We now have an awesome donor and should be starting AI ON TIME this month. Good luck for you!
I sacked off the temperature taking in favour of one of those posh monitors too - worth every penny! I actually started sleeping properly again - when temping, if I woke in the night, by the time I had worked out whether I needed to take my temp now or whether I had long enough to sleep to make it worth taking later, I was wide awake and spend an hour or so like that. Every night.
With my monitor I just pee, dip and it tells me what I need to know, before I need to know it!
I like temping (did I really just say that?!), but it does take a few cycles to get the hang of it. I remember being so frustrated that I hadn't been aware of my body's fertility signs before. There's certainly a learning curve. Keep with it and good luck! oxox
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