Sunday, January 7, 2007


I've read it's important to take prenatal vitamins for three months prior to trying to conceive (and then to let up on them for I forget how long if conception doesn't occur and then start them again and so on). I went and got a bottle--90 one pill a day, a three month supply. Came home, opened it up, saw they were too big for me to swallow.

I'm not good with horse pills. A long bout of undiagnosed and subsequently untreated acid reflux that stemmed from a hernia (still around but mellowed with age) has made it so that I freak out whenever I get near a big pill. I'm certain every time that it's going to get stuck in my esophagus on the way down.

I did some googling and learned that one of my options, provided they're not timed-release vitamins, is to crush them and mix 'em in with something else. So I've been doing this now for three long suffering nights.

They're disgusting. I've been mixing them with peanut butter. Blech. Peanut butter covers up the taste of anything but this. I don't know what else to try. If I were a dog, I'd give it to me in some cheese or a hot dog. But I'm not a dog and I think that if I were a dog I'd spit this crap right out.

I'm a loss here, but at the same time I feel a responsibility to the great unknown to take the damn vitamins.


Maggie said...

I use chocolate cake when I crush pills to take them. You can also get chewable prenatals that taste like grape Flintstone vitamins.

Ovum said...

Chocolate cake!! That's brilliant. I'd love any excuse to eat chocolate cake.

I'm also going to see if I can find chewable prenatals online.


googiebaba said...

Thanks for adding me to your blogroll - I have added you to mine.

I was thinking when I was reading this, I was so desperate to get pregnant, I tried everything. I went to an acupuncturist, and she had me drink herbs to promote my fertility. The only thing was it tasted like mud. It was awful. And I actually did it 2 times a day for 3 months. Then I read yams help with fertility. I hate Yams, but I made myself eat them.

Anonymous said...

I actually read that you should take multi vitamins when trying to conceive because prenatal vitamins have too much iron for a non impregnated woman. I am not sure it is completely true just sharing some info with you :)

meridith said...

I second the multivitamin. My partner always has trouble with big pills and and vitamins upset her stomach. She switched to a gummi multivitamin and has been really happy. Good luck!