Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays

My in-laws called to announce that they'd decided, as a joint holiday present, to make a contribution to our (sadly insufficient) baby-making fund. This is both an incredible relief and a little, well, weird. See, we'd been worrying a bit--okay, a lot--that our already strained finances wouldn't stretch as far as we'd need in the coming months, as we move into baby-seeking in earnest. As anyone who's ever tried to get a baby by means other than unassisted heterosex can attest, it is a phenomenally expensive proposition. And, as we'll eventually explain, there are good reasons to expect we'll have some challenges beyond the everyday two-vaginas-no-semen issue. So the news from my in-laws--who are the most generous people I've ever met--is welcome. And still, I can't help dwelling on the issue I first blurted out when I heard the news: "Honey...your parents are going to be buying us sperm."

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